Credit: Lana Young

Posted on 13 September 2021

Recording of our submission on the draft NBA Bill now available

On Thursday last week, Degradation and recovery theme leader Professor Conrad Pilditch and Policy and legislation for EBM project leader Associate Professor Elizabeth Macpherson presented to the Environment Select Committee on behalf of Sustainable Seas regarding the Natural and Built Environments Bill (NBA).

We were grateful for the opportunity to present directly to the Committee on our submission, and they were appreciative of having a science perspective, as there have not been many submissions providing this. 

The hearing was livestreamed on Facebook and the recording is available to view below. Our submission starts at 43:48 and goes for approximately 15 minutes.

This Bill represents an opportunity to better connect management of activities across ecosystem domains which has been absent to date and gives more attention to the cumulative effects of multiple activities. If done successfully it will achieve one of its key objectives – better outcomes for people and the coastal marine environment and pave the way for a new thriving blue economy.

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