Posted on 28 November 2017

Video: Community participation in marine restoration

Patrick Barrett and Priya Kurian gave a presentation about the restoration of the Ōngātoro/Maketu estuary at the NZ Coastal Society conference.

The Kaituna River re-diversion strategy is widely regarded as an exemplary case of multi-stakeholder and multi-iwi engagement in marine ecosystem governance. This project, Participatory processes for marine ecosystem restoration and management, is investigating the way the strategy was developed, to identify the principles and practices that could be applied in other marine resource contexts.

This presentation was given at the NZ Coastal Society conference in November 2017

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Participatory processes for marine ecosystem restoration
Participatory processes for marine ecosystem restoration

We examined how the Kaituna River re-diversion strategy was developed, to identify success factors in stakeholder and iwi engagement that co…
