Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

Posted on 22 October 2019

Where's our research happening?

We’ve developed an interactive map that shows the locations and key information of all our research projects. The aim is to help connect people with the research happening in their community.

With 40 research projects across the country completed and around 25 more expected by 2024, it’s been a challenge for people to identify the research happening in their rohe.

Māori and stakeholders have told us they want to know where projects are taking place so they can see what is happening that is relevant to their marine environments and communities.

This map provides the location(s) of each project and key information:

  • The project leader
  • A brief plain English description
  • A link to the project page

Making our research and its outputs accessible to communities is essential to our mission.

Explore the map

We welcome any other suggestions to make our research more accessible.

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