Huataukina o hapū e!

Enabling kaitiaki to better manage Whareponga and Waipiro Bays

Project Leader Duration Budget
Ian Ruru (Maumahara Consultancy Services Ltd) September 2020 – May 2023 $902,800


This project is providing a unique opportunity for hapū-led and driven research to support kaitiaki to better manage their rohe moana, build hapū capacity and capability, and give meaningful effect to the principles of the Nga Rohe Moana o Nga Hapū o Ngati Porou Act 2019 for two hapū rohe moana case studies.

Anchored in Whareponga and Waipiro Bays, we are looking to:

  • Unlock the potential of the Act, mātauranga Māori and science to give effect to the practice of kaitiakitanga over ngā rohe moana
  • Create mātauranga-a-hapū frameworks, processes and tools that will enable kaitiaki and other decision-makers to protect and manage ngā rohe moana
  • Build whānau and hapū capability to actively participate in the decision-making and management of ngā rohe moana
  • Develop understanding and guidance relevant to the application of a whānau, hapū, iwi and mātauranga Māori based approach to ecosystem-based management in the two hapū rohe moana case studies.

Over the coming years, the project team will hold a series of wānanga with hapū to co-develop tools and frameworks specific to Whareponga and Waipiro Bays, including: a database of knowledge, a dive survey report, a Mauri Compass for the marine environment, a state of the environment report, and decision-making and policy frameworks.

About the name

‘Huataukina’ is a metaphor for the challenge facing many kaitiaki and marine managers around Aotearoa New Zealand. ‘Huataukina’ once symbolised an abundance of taonga species and a thriving community, but now heralds a biodiversity tipping point and the quest for kaitiaki to restore balance and the prosperity of their hapū and iwi.

How we are engaging with hapū

The two Takutai Kaitiaki Trusts

  • We are in regular contact with the Takutai Kaitiaki Trusts as they are providing oversight, leadership and direction to our research. In addition, our wānanga process and iterative action research approach requires high levels of engagement throughout the project

Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou

  • There are currently 47 hapū who are parties to the Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act. We provide updates through the Co-ordinating Working Group (representatives from each of the Takutai Kaitiaki Trusts who sit on this Group).
About the Act

This Act is a unique piece of legislation that contributes to the legal expression, protection, and recognition of the continued exercise of mana by ngā whānau me ngā hapū o Ngati Porou who have and continue to exercise control over their lands and waters. 

The Deed sets out four high-level principles that are founded on hapū aspirations and have guided the Deed of Agreement between ngā hapū o Ngāti  Porou and the Crown. These include:

  • Toitu te mana Atua – hapū regulate and undertake activities on, over or within their rohe moana
  • Toitu te mana moana me te mana whenua – recognising the unbroken, inalienable and enduring mana of hapū
  • Toitu te mana tangata – recognising the right of hapū to exercise influence over activities impacting their rohe moana
  • Toitu te Tiriti o Waitangi – acknowledges the partnerships between ngā hapū o Ngāti Porou and the Crown will be based on honour and integrity.


Research Team

Ian Ruru (Maumahara Consultancy Services Ltd)
Pia Pohatu
Justin Tibble
Agnes Walker (Hapū Kaitiaki Trust Healthy Families East Cape)
Riripeti Reedy (Maitai Group Ltd)
Nick Shears (University of Auckland)
Joseph Burke (MUSA Environmental)
Ngarangi Walker (AgFirst Ltd)

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