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Credit: Blake Wisz Unsplash
29 Nov

Webinar: Navigating choppy waters - understanding perceptions of risk and uncertainty in marine management


Why do we argue about risk and uncertainty when making decisions about the use of marine resources in Aotearoa New Zealand? This question gets to the heart of why people understand risk and uncertainty differently and what we can do about it in our decision processes.

The Risk and uncertainty projects expose ‘invisible forces’ that shape people’s different perceptions of risk and uncertainty. The projects also offer guidance to help navigate the hidden differences between people and their interests that can lead to conflict in decision-making processes. 

Understanding a Te Ao Māori perspective on kaitiakitanga, connections between people and the environment, and empowering mana moana is also vital for long-term marine decision-making.

With better knowledge about perceptions of risk and uncertainty, including Te Ao Māori, decision-makers are better placed to choose what tools, approaches, practices, and methods might be useful. 

In this webinar, find out about tools to help explore your own perceptions of risk and uncertainty and discover what risk assessment methods best factor in risk and uncertainty, deal with multiple stressors and scales, and account for different worldviews.

Following presentations from our speakers, we invite you to participate in a Q+A session based on the content in the webinar.  

Who is it for?  

This webinar is open and free to anyone but will be of particular interest to people interested in a more nuanced approach to dealing with conflict within decision-making processes. It will also be useful for people applying tools and practices to enact ecosystem-based management and include Te Ao Māori principles and processes.     

Will it be recorded?  

Yes, our webinars are recorded and made available online soon afterwards.   

About the speakers  

Dr Shaun Awatere (Ngāti Porou) co-leads our Perceptions of risk and uncertainty project and is Kaihautū Māori Research Impact Leader at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research.

Dr Paula Blackett co-leads our Perceptions of risk and uncertainty project and is Principal Scientist, Environmental Social Science at NIWA.

Dr Joanne Ellis co-leads our Communicating risk and uncertainty project and is Associate Professor Marine Science and Aquaculture at the University of Waikato.


Event Time & Date

Start: End:

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