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14 Dec

Webinar: Resilience of pāua fisheries to environmental change


Pāua fisheries are increasingly at risk from environmental change. Neither fisheries management, fishing sectors (commercial, customary, or recreational), nor seafood business investors and lenders, systematically account for any ‘value change’ related to environmental change — either as risks or opportunities.  

To uphold long-term pāua fishery values, the value of commercial pāua quota, and the ecological role that pāua play in the marine environment, pāua fisheries must be supported to be more resilient to environmental change. 

Undertaken with our project partners Terra Moana, ANZ and the Pāua Industry Council, the Upholding the value of pāua quota project has been exploring what pāua fishery investors need to know to have the confidence to invest; and the relationship between risk, quota valuation and management responses.

The project considered risks to pāua populations and growth, and to the coastal infrastructure essential for accessing the fishery and underlying pāua catch, leading to the development of a financial scenario model. Informed by the structure of the fishery stock assessment model, this new model enables various climate change risk scenarios to be run to indicate potential financial value change into the future. 

Following the presentation from our speakers, we invite attendees to participate in a Q+A session based on the content in the webinar. 

Who is it for?  

This webinar is open and free to anyone, but will be of particular interest to those involved in the fisheries and aquaculture industry, sustainable financing, and research institutions and universities. 

Will it be recorded?  

Yes, our webinars are recorded and made available online soon afterwards.  

About the speakers  

  • Tony Craig co-leads the Upholding the value of pāua quota project and is a partner at Terra Moana Limited. 
  • Dean Spicer is a member of the projects’ research team and is involved in sustainable finance for ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited. 
  • Storm Stanley is chair of the Pāua Industry Council, a national organisation representing the interests of participants in New Zealand's commercial pāua fisheries. 
Event Time & Date

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Related projects & activities

Upholding the value of pāua quota
Credit: Terra Moana
Upholding the value of pāua quota

Exploring what pāua fishery investors (quota owners, divers, processors etc) need to know to have the confidence to invest; and the relation…
