Posted on 07 September 2017

Coastal tipping points talk at EDS conference

Prof Simon Thrush gave an invited presentation about our national estuaries experiment, and opportunities for management and governance agencies to address sudden unexpected changes in marine ecosystems.

The Tipping Points project is investigating how rapid change in marine ecosystems as a result of cumulative effects can lead to a loss of ecosystem services and societal values. This is important information for developing and implementing ecosystem-based management (EBM).

Simon is the Project Leader, and Head of the Institute of Marine Science at the University of Auckland. His presentation is available to download.

Tipping points are a rapid transformation in an ecosystem that are difficult to predict, and usually result in lost values and ecosystem benefits.

The project involves research organisations from across the country: the universities of Auckland, Canterbury, Otago and Waikato; Cawthron Institute; and NIWA.

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Tipping points in ecosystem structure, function and services
Tipping points in ecosystem structure, function and services

We investigated how marine ecosystems respond to change, and identified tipping points, risks and ways of managing them.
