Credit: Josie McClutchie

Posted on 30 October 2018

Growing a blue economy on the East Coast

In September, Hikurangi Enterprises hosted a two-day wānanga in Tairāwhiti Gisborne. The wānanga brought together whānau, community and scientists to talk about the opportunities to grow the East Coast blue economy and how kaitiaki can partner with researchers.

One of the Sustainable Seas research projects is a collaboration between the Cawthron Institute, Hikurangi Enterprises, East Coast hapū and the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge.  

The project aims to develop new medicines from wild-harvested kina and create new business opportunities for the East Coast. The research is focused on the potential of the non-edible shell rather than on the edible flesh.  It is also examining how to reduce waste by using the shell, offal, spines and roe of the kina.

“There is significant potential for economic development for coast communities in New Zealand, through the commercialisation of novel high value niche nutraceuticals and functional food ingredients from the marine environment, ”Manu Caddie Managing Director, Hikurangi Enterprises



  • Te Tai Pari Wananga programme 13 & 14 September, Gisborne.

    1.3 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • Day 1 - 4.40 Agrisea family owned business - Clare and Tane Bradley

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Credit: Josie McClutchie
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