Posted on 28 February 2021

Media coverage in January & February 2021

Glider observations in New Zealand’s shelf seas 

Marine Tech Talk (podcast) – Marketing Director at Teledyne Marine Melissa Rossi interviewed Khushboo Jhugroo and Joe O'Callaghan about their ocean glider research (Episode 28, 16 mins).   

Mātauranga Māori meets science to save mussel population 

Morning Report, RNZ  Awhi Mai Awhi Atu project co-leader Kura Paul-Burke spoke about how mātauranga Māori and science is saving mussels in Ōhiwa Harbour (4 mins).   

Saving mussel beds with a bi-cultural approach
RNZ  – Feature article accompanying the above interview.   

Estuaries in spotlight 

Katiaki Advertiser – The cover story features University of Waikato marine scientists/Sustainable Seas researchers Conrad Pilditch, Kura Paul-Burke, Jo Ellis, Natalie Prinz and their estuary management research.   

Scientists uncover secrets to healthy estuaries

Sunlive – also featured the above researchers and their research.   

Scallop recovery in top of the south still clouded by uncertainty 

Stuff  EBM in action theme leader Chris Cornelisen about the complexities of scallop recovery in Tasman and Golden Bays.   

Hawke's Bay... a complex ecosystem

BayBuzz – An interview with HB Regional Council marine scientist Anna Madarasz-Smith, a co-developer on our Hawke's Bay regional study project, about why we need a socio-ecological approach to marine management.

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Related projects & activities

Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM
Credit: Kura Paul Burke
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM

This project combines mātauranga Māori, science and local kaitiakitanga to better understand the culturally and socially important species i…

Hawke's Bay regional study
Hawke's Bay regional study

This collaboration in Hawke's Bay is mapping environmental stressors, their interactions, and providing guidance for reducing their impacts.
