Posted on 21 November 2017

Tipping Points team receives sustainability award

The NZ Coastal Society Conference’s Sustainability Award promotes sustainable coastal leadership and action in New Zealand, with the greenstone mere representing the winner’s mana and kaitiakitanga.

The Tipping points team won the inaugural annual award at last week's NZ Coastal Society Conference in Tauranga for “their part of the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge that is tackling one of the key environmental issues of cumulative effects and considering the values and vulnerabilities of different aspects of our marine ecosystems”.

Conference abstracts were judged against 3 criteria:

  • Integration of the 4 well-beings (environmental, social, cultural, economic) for a balanced sustainable outcome
  • Leadership/innovation in the application of a sustainability strategy (eg holistic systems consideration, minimised resource use, restoration and engagement of kaitiakitanga)\
  • Adaptation and social resilience strategies

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Tipping points in ecosystem structure, function and services
Tipping points in ecosystem structure, function and services

We investigated how marine ecosystems respond to change, and identified tipping points, risks and ways of managing them.
