Synthesis of Tasman Bay and Golden Bay Phase I research

This project integrated knowledge from our previous research in Tasman and Golden Bays to inform the production of useful tools and resources to carry out EBM

Project Leader Duration Budget
Emma Newcombe (Cawthron Institute) October 2019 – March 2020 $30,000


During 2014–2019 (Phase I), many of our research projects were focused on the Tasman Bay/Te Tai-o-Aorere and Golden Bay/Mohua areas. 

To maximise accessibility and use of this knowledge, we: 

  • Collated Phase I research, data and findings relevant to the Tasman Bay – Golden Bay area 
  • Identified the best opportunity for synthesising Phase I research to provide the knowledge needed to support EBM in Tasman Bay – Golden Bay 

This information is informing the whakatutuki mahi being done to bring together the knowledge, tools and resources generated into end-user focused formats to support implementation. 

Why Tasman and Golden Bays? 

This area includes both coastal and offshore waters, and a variety of marine environments; as well as many different uses, activities and interests – some of which are competing. This diversity is a good basis for developing initial the tools and knowledge needed for EBM. 

Watch this short video to learn more: 

Research Team

Emma Newcombe (Cawthron Institute)
Chris Cornelisen (Cawthron Institute)
Marc Tadaki (Cawthron Institute)
Dana Clark (Cawthron Institute)
Charlotte Šunde (Cawthron Institute)

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