• Guidance

Roadmaps to ecosystem-based management

A series of documents to address questions around enabling ecosystem-based management (May 2024)

  • Ecological considerations for determining the size of an area for management actions

    4 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • How do I consider new consents activities in a cumulative effects framework?

    2.5 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • How do we assess the present ecological integrity of an area

    3.1 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • How do we decide on robust locally generated CMA targets that incorporate climate change

    2.5 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • How likely is it that the action we want will benefit others

    12 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • Local groups are interested in recovering the health of an area how do we go about helping them move forward

    15 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • We are interested in recovering health of an area how do we go about it

    3 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • We have recovery highlighted in our plans how do we go about it

    4.1 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • What do I need to know about processes and evidence to start a new business activity in a particular location?

    2.8 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • What resources has the Challenge produced that can support active participation in assessing, monitoring and restoration of estuarine health?

    13 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • Why should we consider law and policy when assessing monitoring and restoring the ecological health of our estuaries

    1.2 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file

  • Will the freshwater limits we set protect our estuarine waters

    3.2 MB | Adobe Acrobat PDF file