Rocky coast at Otarawairere Bay Sustainable Seas 2020
Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

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Displaying 9 of 80 results
Wao Tupuna
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Reclaiming ancestral knowledge of maramataka to inform cultural environmental indicator development.

Creating a sustainable supply of seed mussels using mātauranga Māori
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Summary on using natural fibres from native plants known to mātauranga Māori for the replacement of plastic rope in mussel aquaculture (June…

The Journey of Māori Fishing Rights in New Zealand
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Summary cards detailing the struggle, resilience, and adaptation of Māori Fishing Rights in New Zealand (May 2024)

Legal enablers for ecosystem-based management
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Examples of legal enablers for ecosystem-based management (June 2024)

Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance Summary
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Summary prepared for the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance (April 2024)

Empowering Māori knowledge in marine decision-making
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Recommendations to achieve the benefits of marine decision-making that is informed by mātauranga Māori (May 2024)

Addressing risk and uncertainty in decision-making
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Recommendations for better risk assessment methods (May 2024)

Developing pathways to a flourishing blue economy
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Recommendations for building pathways towards a blue economy (May 2024)

Marine governance – sustaining ocean outcomes for future generations
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Recommendations for effective and appropriate marine governance (May 2024)
