• Video

Te Ao Tūroa wānanga – Rangatahi insights on exploring Te Ao Tūroa principles and Whakapapa o te Wai

Videos sharing thoughts from two rangatahi who attended the wānanga (June 2024)

These two short videos follow two exciting rangatahi, Tekiteora Rolleston-Gabel (Ngāti Kahu, Tūhoe, Ngāi Te Rangi) and Hikawai Te Nahu (Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Porou, Rongomaiwahine, Te Aitanga a Hauiti) through their experiences and learnings during a wānanga held at Tarimano marae, Rotorua. The Te Ao Tūroa wānanga focused on exploring Te Ao Tūroa principles and the whakapapa o te wai, with an emphasis on legacy and succession.