• Report

Whakarite mai taku waka rangahau: Preparing our research waka for working in partnership

Ratana K, Rameka W & Tuterangiwhiu T R (June 2024)

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This report is the third within the Waka Taurua activity. As outlined in the He Waka Taurua Report, the concept of Waka Taurua is that individual and otherwise separate waka can come together for an agreed purpose and a greater community benefit. This report: 

  • Focuses on understanding the lessons that the work completed by the Puna Kōrero within the challenge have highlighted. 
  • Explores some of the realisations shared by the Puna Kōrero.  
  • Looks at some of the ways to prepare for future research waka taurua, to enable continued successful collaborations working to implement these lessons moving forward.

When thinking about applying this concept into spaces like research, marine management and governance, and then into localised hapū-based economy building, two critical components become clear. 

  • Each waka needs the space to assess an opportunity to enter into a waka taurua, to agree on the purpose of their taurua, and to contribute equally throughout the engagement in the taurua. 
  • Each separate waka needs to be adequately prepared before entering into a waka taurua. 

This report shares six recommendations for waka taurua research into the future.

  • Whakarite mai taku waka rangahau: Preparing our research waka for working in partnership

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