• Report

Te Piringa

The process of engagement, co-development, kawa and tikanga for the Ngā Tohu o Te Ao project.

Te Piringa - our story, how we came together

The Ngā Tohu Research Collective is made up of three case study groups, an advisory group and Manaaki Te Awanui research group. This report explores some key features of engagement that have allowed us to come together as a research group and identifies some of the core principles that have guided us throughout the program so far. 

The research collective is working together over a series of wānanga throughout the program, to support development of maramataka knowledge and practice in each of the case study areas. This collective approach provides the foundations for the Ngā Tohu project and underpins all research activities. Fundamental to this collective approach is engagement and relationship building.

This report:
  • Highlights key components of our engagement journey so far in Ngā Tohu 
  • Advocates for better engagement from the science community with whānau Māori 
Ngā pou: Guiding principles of engagement
  • HONO - Connection 
  • HĀNGAI - Alignment 
  • TIKA - Prioritise 
  • TIAKI - Safety 
  • ĀTA - Commitment