Rocky coast at Otarawairere Bay Sustainable Seas 2020
Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

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Displaying 6 of 6 results
An evaluation of strategies for restoring a degraded New Zealand scallop fishery using stochastic dynamic simulation modelling
  • Academic publication

Tarek Soliman, Thomas Robertson, Jeremy McKenzie, James Williams, Utkur Djanibekov, Graeme J. Inglis (2021). Journal of Environmental Manage…

Fisheries: Tools, resources and research
  • Summary

This is a research round-up of our tools, resources and research that support an EBM approach to fisheries management. It is a living docume…

Using Bayesian network models to bridge the gap between ecology and management
  • Guidance

This guidance explains how Bayesian network models can combine data with expert knowledge (ecological, physical or Mātauranga Māori), to bri…

Describing a Bayesian network tool for Tasman and Golden Bays scallop management
  • Presentation

This conference presentation (given 2019) describes a Baysian network decision support tool, developed and validated using expert knowledge,…

Bayesian network tool: seabed health and scallop fisheries
  • Digital tool
  • Model

We used expert knowledge to develop an online user interface could be used by anyone to explore the impact that different management decisio…

Systems mapping: Scallop decline in Tasman-Golden Bay
  • Map
  • Report

This work was a pilot to explore whether systems mapping could be useful for ecosystem-based management (EBM).
