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Displaying 45 of 138 results
He Tauira – Exemplars of Te Ao Tūroa
  • Video

A podcast series showcasing Te Ao Tūroa principles through case studies (June 2024)

Te Ao Tūroa wānanga – Rangatahi insights on exploring Te Ao Tūroa principles and Whakapapa o te Wai
  • Video

Videos sharing thoughts from two rangatahi who attended the wānanga (June 2024)

Te Ao Tūroa Principles – Whakapapa, Mauri and Mana with the Mātāpuna
  • Video

Podcast series exploring the key integrity markers that bind and guide the Te Ao Tūroa Framework (June 2024)

He Tapuwae – Concepts and principles of a Te Ao Tūroa informed economy
  • Video

A podcast describing the principles of Te Ao Turoa and how they relate to, and can inform, the development of Māori economies (June 2024)

He Waka Māori – Mana and Mana Motuhake with the Mātāpuna
  • Video

Podcasts exploring the key concepts and principles of mana and mana motuhake (June 2024)

Ngā Aho Kōrero – The Te Ao Māori Synthesis Journey
  • Video

A podcast featuring discussions with Te Ao Maori synthesis activity leads (June 2024)

Utilising ecosystem services to support marine ecosystem management
  • Summary

This summary provides an overview of how ecosystem services can be used as a tool in marine management and ecosystem-based management (March…

Restorative marine economies: a framework for mobilising ecosystem-level investments
  • Summary

This summary explains the key concepts of restorative economies and outlines an impact investment framework to guide questions and steps whe…

Financing restorative economies in Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine and coastal space
  • Report

This report highlights opportunities and challenges in building restorative economies in New Zealand from the investment and finance perspec…

Improving the marine management framework to make good decisions on seabed mining
  • Summary

This summary details managing seabed mining and other marine activities, and recommends improvements to the marine management framework (Feb…

He Poutokomanawa
  • Report

This infographic report provides an overview of some of the practices discussed throughout Whakaika Te Moana, as well as some insights into …

He Pou Kai Āwha
  • Report

This infographic report provides an overview of the cultural context and indigenous world view within which Māori aquatic cultivation practi…

Scaling up benthic primary productivity estimates in a large intertidal estuary using remote sensing
  • Academic publication

Shao Z, Bryan K, Flowers G, Lehmann M & Pilditch C (September 2023)

Taura kuku: prioritising Māori knowledge and resources to create biodegradable mussel spat settlement lines for shellfish restoration in Ōhiwa harbour
  • Academic publication

Paul-Burke K, Burke J, Ngarimu-Cameron R, Bulmer R, Cameron K, O’Brien T, Bluett, C & Ranapia M (September 2022)

Implications for the conservation of deep-water corals in the face of multiple stressors: a case study from the New Zealand region
  • Academic publication

Stephenson F, Rowden A, Anderson O, Ellis J, Geange S, Brough T, Behrens E, Hewitt J, Clark M, Tracey D, Goode S, Petersen G & Lundquist C (…

Emergence of the subtropical sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii as a threat to kelp forest ecosystems in northern New Zealand
  • Academic publication

Balemi C & Shears N (August 2023)

Auahatanga from Authenticity: Maximising opportunities for Akaroa Salmon and Ōnuku Rūnanga
  • Report

This report is focused primarily on auahatanga (differentiation) – differentiating kaitiaki-generated products from commodities and diversif…

Literature review: Indigenising the blue economy in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Report

This literature review explores three themes on both constraints and potential solutions for Māori transitioning to a blue economy. Rout M, …

Designing law and policy for the health and resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems
  • Summary

This is a summary of research findings into options for policy and legislative change to enable ecosystem-based management across scales in …

Designing law and policy for the health and resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems – Lessons from (and for) Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Academic publication

Macpherson E, Jorgensen E, Paul A, Rennie H, Fisher K, Talbot-Jones J, Hewitt J, Allison A, Banwell J & Parkinson A (June 2023)

Sustainability disclosures in the blue economy
  • Report

This report provides a stocktake of sustainability disclosure practices and initiatives globally and in Aotearoa New Zealand, with a focus o…

Building an interconnected blue economy in place
  • Report

This report briefly reviews the blue economy Sustainable Seas programme to date and identifies three main gaps for further attention in the …

Understanding multi species finfish complexes in Tasman and Golden Bay: Process overview and key insights
  • Summary

This is a summary of the processes behind and key insights from research into understanding multi species finfish complexes. (November 2022)

System dynamic mapping and managing multi-species complexes: Key variables and linkages
  • Summary

This is a summary of research to determine whether system dynamic mapping is a useful exercise for FNZ management purposes, including whethe…

Exploring the use of a system diagram and multi-variate analysis to understand multi-species complexes in fisheries
  • Report

This report details exploratory research on using a system diagram and multi-variate analysis to help understand how fisheries management of…

Financing restorative marine economies: Insights from NZ finance and investment experts
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Cerasela Stancu (EnviroStrat) and Jason Mika (The University of Waikato) December 2022

Extracting remotely-sensed water quality parameters from shallow intertidal estuaries
  • Academic publication

Shao Z, Bryan K, Lehmann M & Pilditch C (December 2022)

Improved decision-making using an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach
Credit: Ayushi Kachhara NIWA 2018
Improved decision-making using an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach

Enabling ecosystem-based management (EBM) to become embedded within marine management and governance.

Ecosystem service mapping in marine environments: a case study
  • Guidance

This guidance explains what ecosystem service mapping is, and why it is useful for marine managers, planners, and other decision-makers. It …

Māori marine economy: Its definition, principles, and structure
  • Summary

This paper defines the Māori marine economy, outlines its structure, and highlights challenges for Māori marine-based enterprises engaged in…

User guide: Tools for ecosystem-based management
  • Guidance

The purpose of this guide is to help resource managers, kaitiaki and others to identify appropriate tools, developed and/or used by the Sus…

Characterising the regulatory seascape in Aotearoa New Zealand: bridging local, regional and national scales for marine ecosystem-based management
  • Academic publication

Urlich SC, White FR & Rennie HG (2022) Ocean and Coastal Management, 224: 106193

Research Book 2022
  • Summary

This book provides key information about Sustainable Seas, and concise plain language summaries of all active/complete 2019–2024 (Phase II) …

Te Au o Te Moana story series
  • Video

This series aims to whakamana (empower) the voices of researchers, co-developers, Māori partners and communities of research and practice as…

Kāwanatanga ‘Future Search’ Panel - Waiheke participants
  • Presentation

Online workshop and panel discussion by Alex Rogers, Andrew Jeffs, Matt von Sturmer, Pippa Coom and Lucy Tukua. February 2022 (36 mins + Q&A…

Risk assessment for marine ecosystem-based management (EBM)
  • Academic publication

Clark DE, Gladstone-Gallagher RV, Hewitt JE, Stephenson F, Ellis JI (2022). Conservation Science and Practice, 12636.

Ki uta ki tai: Estuaries, thresholds and values
Credit: Spid Pye/TrueStock
Ki uta ki tai: Estuaries, thresholds and values

Assessing the interactions between loadings of different contaminants from freshwaters on the health and functioning of estuaries. This is a…

Scale and EBM
Credit: Rob Suisted
Scale and EBM

Improving understanding and communication of scale-dependencies for EBM

Tangaroa Ararau – Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Tikanga Māori and the marine environment
Credit: Rebekah Parsons-King (NIWA)
Tangaroa Ararau – Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Tikanga Māori and the marine environment

This project is exploring the fundamental idea of what an oceans-centric governance model could look like, unburdened by existing approaches…

Marine and coastal ecotourism - national and regional picture (part 2): Operator survey and interviews
  • Report

This report provides baseline information about Aotearoa’s marine and coastal ecotourism (MCET) sector, and sector aspirations for the futur…

Marine and coastal ecotourism - national and regional picture (part 1): Operator database and map
  • Report

This report provides baseline information on the size and activity profile of the sector in Aotearoa, and a contact list to help users furth…

Data dashboard: Marine and coastal ecotourism operators
  • Digital tool

This interactive tool visualises the location and type of activity carried out by marine ecotourism operators in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is…

Marine and coastal ecotourism operators
  • Map

This interactive map visualises the location of marine and coastal ecotourism operators, and the main visitor experiences they provide. This…

Stocktake and characterisation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s seaweed sector: Species characteristics and Te Tiriti o Waitangi considerations
  • Report

This report provides an overview of seaweed species in Aotearoa that have commercial potential, as well as recognition of their cultural imp…

Modelling restorative economies
Credit: Brady Doak
Modelling restorative economies

Determining the benefits of small-scale, community-based marine restoration initiatives

Credit: Dave Allen NIWA

Our work

Sustainable Seas brought together Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest ever group of biophysical and social scientists, economists, and experts in mātauranga Māori and policy researchers. Together with Māori partners and stakeholders we embarked on our journey nearly a decade ago as one of 11 National Science Challenges, we set out to achieve this objective: To enhance utilisation of our marine resources within environmental and biological constraints.   

The Challenge has produced nearly a decade’s worth of research results, guidance, and tools from more than 100 projects. In our final year, we’ve focused on refining the key messages and recommendations on topics prioritized by the Challenge community as being critical to enabling holistic ecosystem-based management (EBM) and te ao Māori approaches – and ultimately realize a healthy ocean and prosperous blue economy.

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  • Circles with kiwi = national projects
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