Nelson workshop for iwi and stakeholders
On 1 March, we held a workshop in Nelson for regional stakeholders and iwi. Their input was extremely valuable as it helps guide us in developing tools to support ecosystem-based management (EBM).
The workshop was a chance for participants to:
- Share issues or concerns in Tasman and Golden Bays
- Learn about tools that can help to manage our marine environment
- Help identify scenarios that the tools we are developing will need to address
There were some extremely valuable insights, particularly the many ways people are concerned about the bays, and a common desire to make sure they are looked after for future generations.
There were representatives from Ngāti Tama, Te Ātiawa, Tiakina te Taiao, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rāngatira, Tiakina te Taiao Ltd, Tasman District Council, Nelson City Council, Marlborough District Council, MPI Aquaculture Unit, MPI Fisheries, Department of Conservation, Marine Farming Association, Sanford Limited, Forest and Bird, Friends of Nelson Haven & Tasman Bay, Nelson Forests, and the tourism/recreation industry.
A follow up workshop is planned in 3–6 months’ time. If you have an interest in marine resource management in Tasman-Golden Bay and your group or organisation was not represented but you would like to be involved, please contact us at [email protected].
Cawthron Institute
Event Time & Date
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