Credit: Salvador Ung Hayworth/iStock

Posted on 11 October 2022

Aquaculture technology for a blue economy

Early last week one of our sister challenges Science for Technological Innovation held a forum on Tech Innovation for our Blue Economy, providing a perfect segway for those heading to the Aquaculture NZ conference and the Seaweed Summit in the days following. 

The forum showcased the latest technological advances in aquaculture, with topics ranging from the potential impacts of using technology for industry, to how we can collaboratively use commercialisation to build a blue economy that benefits us all.  

In collaboration with Sustainable Seas, the forum included a special panel session on building the blue economy. It explored how collaborative innovation can accelerate tech transfer and commercialisation while delivering cultural, environmental and social impacts. 

“The day provided a great opportunity for a new mix of people to come together and share exciting opportunities around our blue economy” said Chris Cornelisen, EBM in action theme leader. 

“Realising the full potential of Aotearoa New Zealand’s blue economy will require cutting edge technology, and having the two challenge communities in one room was a great demonstration of how we can come together to realise the full potential of collaborative innovation.” 

Jodie Kuntzsch, Synthesis Strand Leader – Blue Economy, spoke about enabling regional blue economies and the emerging Moana Nui cluster in Te Tau Ihu, while Nigel Bradly, Transitioning to a blue economy leader, discussed impact investment and restorative economies. 

As well as researchers outlining the latest in aquaculture technologies, participants heard from Māori entrepreneurs, industry innovators, and commercialisation experts on transformative opportunities to boost the sector's quadruple bottom line - culturally, economically, environmentally and socially.

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