Posted on 28 February 2020

Blue economy: core research topics

Following a productive co-development workshop this month with central and regional government, marine industry, Māori and iwi representatives, and research organisations, we have identified 4 topics for our blue economy core research projects.

These are:

  • Stimulating a connected blue tourism
  • Building a blue economy sector – seaweed
  • Encouraging restorative economies in New Zealand marine spaces
  • Growing the Maori blue economy

Development process and timeline

March – The Challenge Leadership Team (CLT) will working with external experts to develop 2-page concepts for these key, mission-led projects.

April – These concepts will be reviewed by our Independent Science Panel, Stakeholder Panel, Kāhui Māori, and workshop attendees. The CLT will finalise the concepts and identify potential Project Leaders

May – CLT will make a recommendation to the Governance Group.

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Credit: Leigh Tait/NIWA
Building a seaweed sector

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Credit: Ngāti Kahungunu Inc on Te Matau-a-Maui, Waka Hourua © Desna Whaanga-Schollum, 2013
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Credit: Greg Lois Nunes
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