News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement
Posted on 30 November 2022
Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: John Reid
“As much as we can be Kaitiaki, different species can be kaitiaki, or the ocean itself can be kaitiaki. It's this interconnected relationship.
Posted on 22 September 2022
Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Joe Harawira
Ngāti Awa, Ngāi te Rangi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tūhourangi Our connections and responsibilities as KaitiakiSustainable Seas Kāhui Kaumatua Joe Harawira set the kaupapa for our Te Au o Te Moana story series.…
MorePosted on 17 June 2022
User guide for EBM tools released
We’ve developed a handy user guide that brings together tools we have developed and/or used for ecosystem-based management (EBM). It includes guidelines, frameworks, and numerical and conceptual models.
Posted on 17 June 2022
Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho | Wai 262 Best Practice Guide
A year on from the Wai 262 webinar series hosted by the Rauika Māngai, we're eagerly anticipating the launch of A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science Partnerships with Kaitiaki…
MorePosted on 04 May 2022
Sustainable Seas resources feature in Southern Institute of Technology course
In November, Bálint Koller, Instructional Designer at the Southern Institute of Technology, asked about our resources relevant to marine management and EBM for their ENV402 Marine and Freshwater Ecology level…
MorePosted on 15 April 2022
Our impact on the ‘state of the environment’ report
"Human activities including pollution, overfishing, and impacts from climate change are damaging the mauri of our marine environments and reducing our ability to connect with them.
MorePosted on 01 April 2022
Media coverage in March 2022
‘We have a full pharmacopoeia of plants’: Q&A with Māori researcher Nicola MacdonaldMongabay – Project Co-leader for Kohunga Kutai, Nicola MacDonald, shares how researchers are using science and mātauranga Māori to create a…
MorePosted on 18 March 2022
Te Au o Te Moana – Voice of the Ocean: Lara Taylor
Ko Te Arawa te Waka. Ko Ohaki te Marae. Ko Ngāti Tahu, Ngāti Whaoa te iwi. Ko Lara Taylor ahau.
MorePosted on 18 February 2022
Education resource: Restoring kuku beds
The team behind the Awhi Mai Awhi Atu project are bringing together mātauranga Māori and western science to help understand the degrading harbour and aid the recovery of the once abundant…
MorePosted on 31 December 2021
Media coverage in December 2021
Scheme aims to establish commercial seaweed farming sector Stuff – A new five-million-dollar seaweed farming pilot programme in the Hauraki gulf draws insights from our Seaweed sector review.
MorePosted on 14 December 2021
Covid-19, integrity and ‘blue washing’ – marine ecotourism operators share their thoughts and concerns for the future
As the nation gears up to explore their own backyard this summer, the country’s tourism industry is firmly focused on developing more sustainable ways to host domestic and international visitors.
MorePosted on 01 November 2021
Six rimurimu/seaweed species could put Aotearoa New Zealand on the map
Rimurimu/seaweed should be a natural contributor to Aotearoa New Zealand’s blue economy because there is a wealth of diversity of species growing along our coastlines.