Posted on 24 September 2019
Case study focuses on improving Hawke’s Bay
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- Improving decision-making Planning Policy Tikanga and mātauranga Māori EBM in action Hawke's Bay/Te Matau-a-Māui Video
- 2 Minutes to read
A collaboration with the Hawke’s Bay Marine and Coastal Group (HBMaC) will map environmental stressors, their interactions, and provide guidance for reducing their impacts. Marine stressors include contaminants or sediment from the land, climate change, habitat loss and fisheries activities.
The Hawke's Bay regional study will take a holistic approach to managing the local marine ecosystem by bringing together scientific knowledge and mātauranga Māori (indigenous knowledge).
“We’re working closely with stakeholders and iwi in Hawke’s Bay to identify key outcomes,” explains Project Leader and NIWA Principal Scientist, Carolyn Lundquist.
“HBMaC has already identified the key stressors from land and sea in the region. This case study will combine local knowledge with what we’ve learnt in our earlier Phase I research projects.”
Hawke’s Bay has a diverse coastal marine ecosystem with sandy beaches, inter-tidal reefs, dunes and estuaries. The researchers will prepare a holistic map of the system and how its components are connected and interact, and will:
- identify who is responsible for managing stressors
- actions that can be taken within current legislation, policy and practice
- support decision-making.
HBMaC has already developed a roadmap for future coastal and marine research.
“The Hawke’s Bay area has large river systems, fisheries, productive lands and ocean outfalls which can add stress to the marine system. This can impact on people’s values for the coastal area.” says Anna Madarasz-Smith, Principal Scientist Marine and Coast at Hawke's Bay Regional Council. “The expertise of the Sustainable Seas Challenge team will help us to help untangle the contribution of these stressors and provide advice for the way forward, and this will be invaluable.”
This project supports Sustainable Seas and HBMaC’s shared vision of a healthy and functioning marine ecosystem that supports an abundant and sustainable fishery.
HBMaC includes recreational and commercial fishers, tangata whenua and government agencies, and is chaired by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council science staff.
Project partners
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Ministry for Primary Industries, Department of Conservation, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pāhauwera, Te Taiwhenua O Tamatea, Ngāti Kere, Fisheries Inshore NZ, LegaSea, Napier Fisheries Association and Te Ohu Kaimoana.
Anna Madarasz-Smith on the Hawke's Bay Coast Environment