Credit: Ayushi Kachhara NIWA 2018

Posted on 20 June 2019

Maritime Museum talk: Aotearoa's blue economy

35 people joined researchers Nick Lewis and Jason Mika bright and early at the NZ Maritime Museum for our inaugural breakfast talk to explore what a ‘blue' economy is, and how Aotearoa can best develop one while protecting the taonga of our marine environment.

There was a broad range of attendees including coastal planning engineers, regional council employees, researchers, a retired diplomat, and members of the public.

These free events are open to all.

The next event is Monday 19 August, when Ben Knight (Cawthron) will discuss a forecasting tool that provides a real-time ‘weather map’ prediction of bacteria in the sea. This has been developed by national experts from Cawthron Institute, NIWA & MetOcean Solutions Ltd, under the Forecasting contamination risk for shellfish harvest and beach use project.

Registration is free, but bookings are required.

Recordings of the talks

Transitioning to a blue economyNick Lewis, University of Auckland
How enterprising New Zealanders are using the seas in new and exciting ways, and how our industries are responding, to help create a new blue economy for Aotearoa

The Māori marine economy, Jason Mika, Massey University
How Māori are leading the way in creating Aotearoa's blue economy

Q&A with Nick and Jason

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