News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement
Posted on 25 August 2017
Article in Seafood NZ magazine
The latest issue has a feature about our research, what it means for fishing and aquaculture, the diverse stakeholders involved, and what the Challenge is trying to achieve.
MorePosted on 18 August 2017
New expertise for leadership team
We are pleased to announce that Conrad Pilditch and Janet Stephenson have joined the Science Leadership Team, bringing both continuity and new blood.
MorePosted on 03 August 2017
Seafood industry conference
Three of our researchers presented at the conference’s Technical Day (2 August). The day was attended by around 80 representatives from industry, government agencies, researchers, and experts.
MorePosted on 26 July 2017
Lessons learned from Canada
A recently published paper in AlterNative identifies 5 elements to consider when developing ecosystem-based management (EBM) for Aotearoa. Our project investigating indigenous approaches to EBM completed in early 2017.
MorePosted on 18 July 2017
Tipping Points hosts interdisciplinary workshop
15 PhD students and postdocs from across New Zealand came together to discuss estuarine science and share ideas, as they developed sampling plans for the national Tipping Points experiment.
MorePosted on 04 July 2017
Sediment and seabed species
Experiments have begun investigating the effect of sedimentation from human activities on offshore seabed species.
MorePosted on 19 May 2017
Video: Working together
This video explains what we're about; how we are working with Māori, government, industry, NGOs and communities; and what we mean by ecosystem-based management (EBM).
Posted on 08 May 2017
Sustainable Seas community comes together at inaugural conference
77 researchers came together in Wellington on 2–3 May for our first annual conference.
MorePosted on 01 October 2015
Request for Proposals - Tangaroa and Vision Mātauranga programmes
Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge Request for Proposals for projects in the Tangaroa and Vision Mātauranga programmes.
Posted on 06 September 2015
Call for expressions of interest for Science Programme Leader roles
Expressions of Interest are invited for the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge Science Programme Leader Managed Seas role.
MorePosted on 09 July 2015
Presentation to the New Zealand Marine Sciences conference
Dr Julie Hall recently made a presentation on the Sustainable Seas Science Challenge to the New Zealand Marine Science Conference.