Credit: Leigh Tait NIWA

Posted on 13 September 2019

Kudos Award for Drew Lohrer

NIWA researcher Drew Lohrer was named among eight winners in the 2019 Kudos Awards in early September.

Drew won the Waikato Regional Council Environmental Science Award. He was recognised for his contribution to knowledge of New Zealand and Antarctic marine ecosystem functioning, especially his insights into management of coastal resources.

Drew is a Principal Scientist at NIWA and leads the Marine Ecology team in Hamilton, where he has been since 2002. He headed the Measuring ecosystem services and assessing impacts project for Sustainable Seas, and is developing new ways to measure and map the services provided by marine ecosystems.

Ecosystem services, such as food, coastal protection, improved water quality and nutrient cycling, are of value to people and communities.

His team’s research is being used by regional councils and central government agencies to identify marine ‘hotspots’ of ecosystem service delivery that require enhanced protection.

The Kudos Awards recognise and celebrate the Waikato region’s scientists, their research and discoveries, and are New Zealand’s only regional science awards.

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Measuring ecosystem services and assessing impacts
Credit: Leigh Tait NIWA
Measuring ecosystem services and assessing impacts

We developed new ways to measure and map the ecosystem services provided by marine ecosystems.
