Credit: Ayushi Kachhara NIWA 2018

Posted on 18 July 2019

Welcome to our new project leaders

We are pleased to announce the following Phase II research project leaders. Their first hui was held in Wellington on 23-24 July, where the team connected, and explored ways they might integrate and co-develop their projects.

Development of the best team for each project is now underway. Note that there will be further opportunities to get involved with our research as projects in the Blue Economy theme are still being developed, and there are some projects that will not start until 2021, so these project leaders and teams will not be identified for some time. Other projects will also be developed through the Innovation and Opportunities Fund.


  • Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM
    Kura Paul-Burke, NIWA & Richard Bulmer, NIWA
  • Huatuakina o hapu e!
    Ngarangi Walker, ESR & Ian Ruru
  • Ngā Tohu o te Ao: Utilising maramataka as a framework for marine management
    Caine Taiapa, Maanaki Te Awanui
  • Te Tāhuhu Matatau o Tangaroa, mai Tauranga Moana ki te Ao: Empowering the kaitiaki of Tangaroa from Tauranga Moana to Aotearoa and beyond
    Caine Taiapa, Maanaki Te Awanui & Regan Fairlie, Maanaki Te Awanui
  • He Kāinga Taurikura ō Tangitū: Treasured Coastal Environment
    Kelly May, NIWA

Understanding degradation and recovery in social-ecological systems

  • Understanding ecological responses to cumulative effects
    Simon Thrush, University of Auckland & Kura Paul-Burke, NIWA
  • Tools for incorporating ecological responses to cumulative effects into management action
    Carolyn Lundquist, NIWA/University of Auckland & Dana Briscoe, NIWA

Creating value from a blue economy

  • Transitioning to a blue economy in New Zealand
    Nigel Bradly, Envirostrat

Addressing risk and uncertainty

  • Perceptions of risk and uncertainty
    Paula Blackett, NIWA & Shaun Awatere, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research
  • Communicating risk and uncertainty to aid decision-making
    Joanne Ellis, University of Waikato & Fabrice Stephenson, NIWA
  • Risks to businesses from investment and environmental uncertainty

Enhancing ecosystem-based management (EBM) practices

  • Treaty relationships and EBM
    Dan Hikuroa, University of Auckland
  • Options for policy and legislative change to enable EBM across scales
    Steve Urlich, Lincoln University & Elizabeth Macpherson, University of Canterbury
  • Enabling kaitiakitanga and EBM
    Lara Taylor, Maanaki Whenua Landcare Research

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