
News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement

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Credit: Sulthan Auliya / Unsplash

Posted on 26 September 2023

Seafood Magazine: Oceans are our economic and social backbone

Shared with permission from Seafood New Zealand Magazine - August 2023The United Nations, WWF, and the World Bank Group have called it, and nations are limbering up.

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Credit: Hauraki Gulf

Posted on 14 September 2023

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Dan Hikuroa

Dr Dan Hikuroa (Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato-Tainui, Ngaati Whanaunga, Pākehā) has a PhD in Geology and is an Associate Professor in Te Wānanga o Waipapa, Māori Studies, at the Waipapa Taumata…

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Posted on 31 August 2023

New ‘ecosystem footprint’ research to support the health of our coastal environments

Aotearoa's coastal marine ecosystems are struggling with the cumulative effects of multiple human activities and stressors that are leading to tipping points, ecological surprises, and irreversible ecosystem damage.

tauranga moana
Credit: Tauranga Moana (Adobe)

Posted on 31 August 2023

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Waiaria Rameka

This month we share the kōrero of Waiaria Rameka, co-project leader of Ngā Tohu o te Ao: Maramataka and marine management.

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Posted on 09 August 2023

Media Coverage July 2023

New Zealand’s maritime territory is 15 times its landmass — here’s why we need a ministry for the oceanThe Conversation – The case for a ministry for the ocean to…

Picton Queen Charlotte Sound
Credit: Mattinbgn

Posted on 04 August 2023

Kina removal shows promising outcomes for kelp forests

A trial in Tōtaranui (Queen Charlotte Sound) has shown that removing kina from kina barrens can lead to the return of kelp and seaweed species.

Credit: Mōkau awa, Waikato

Posted on 25 July 2023

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Karen Fisher

Karen is a human geographer and Associate Professor in the School of Environment at the University of Auckland.

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Credit: Ellery Sterling Unsplash

Posted on 17 July 2023

Policy leadership needed for the future of Aotearoa’s marine environment

If Aotearoa’s marine laws are to effectively manage marine environments and resources, they must manage the ecosystem in a holistic and inclusive way that stops the degradation of our oceans…

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Credit: Tim Marshall

Posted on 13 July 2023

Understanding cumulative effects from a te ao Māori perspective

Understanding some of the barriers faced by iwi and hapū across Aotearoa with regards to management of cumulative effects in freshwater, estuarine and marine environments, and potential solutions to overcome these barriers.

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Credit: Lyttelton Harbour

Posted on 04 July 2023

Te Au o Te Moana – Voice of the Ocean: Matt Rout

Matt’s speciality can be broadly defined as indigenous socio-economic development and environmental sustainability, focusing on creating theoretical frameworks grounded in context and designed to deliver practical progress.

Sensors in action

Posted on 30 June 2023

Seafood Magazine: Visible footprints on the seafloor

Shared with permission from Seafood New Zealand Magazine - June 2023Knowledge is power — and knowing exactly how large a trawl footprint is on the sea floor can help fishers…

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Posted on 30 June 2023

Media Coverage June 2023

Our oceans are in deep trouble – a 'mountains to sea' approach could make a real differenceThe Conversation – Leader of our Enhancing EBM practices research theme Karen Fisher shares…
