Improved decision-making using an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach

Enabling ecosystem-based management (EBM) to become embedded within marine management and governance.

Activity Leader Duration
Anne-Maree Schwarz (Sustainable Seas) 2022-2024


Combined with refined guidelines and tools, we are delivering practical roadmaps for undertaking EBM in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We are also drawing together our research and providing input into regulation, policy and legislative reviews.   

Within this theme we are creating outputs that fit under 4 activities: 

1. Influencing policy and legislation (EBM1)

Contributing to the development of policy and legislation that will support EBM, co-governance, inclusion of Te Ao Māori, blue economy activities, and ensure marine ecosystem health. We are using our mahi to influence upcoming policy initiatives and literature reviews where appropriate.   

This activity draws on mahi undertaken across all of our research.  

2. End-user analysis (EBM2) 

Facilitating a switch in emphasis on stakeholders as co-development partners to detailed engagement with the people, organisations and communities who will use our research.   

3. Scenario testing (EBM3)

Actively engaging with end-users to test and refine EBM tools and guidelines created through our projects. We are bringing together research created in individual projects and scenario-testing these in a holistic EBM decision-making process. 

4. EBM Roadmap (EBM4) 

A ‘how-to’ for EBM – drawing together guidelines, frameworks, and tools to provide practical guides and pathways for marine managers across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Research Team

Anne-Maree Schwarz (Sustainable Seas)
Judi Hewitt (University of Auckland)
Joanne Ellis (University of Waikato)
Karen Fisher (University of Auckland)
Kiri Reihana (University of Waikato)
Richard Bulmer (Tidal Research)
Gemma Couzens (Sustainable Seas)


This is a national project.