Research process

Sharing what we’ve learned through our unique approach to research.

Activity Leader Duration
Karen Fisher (University of Auckland) 2022-2024


Bringing together what we’ve learned about the transition from multi-disciplinary research (research that combines more than one field of study) focused on academic outputs, to transdisciplinary research (research that spans across fields and expertise and includes end-users) focused on ‘real-world’ impacts and the strategies we used to co-develop this research.  

Our mahi has presented a unique opportunity to do research and knowledge-production differently, bringing together researchers and co-development partners from diverse backgrounds, and weaving mātauranga Māori with science, to produce knowledge that enhances the implementation of ecosystem-based management, blue economy, and Te Ao Māori approaches. 

We are sharing what we’ve learned to help researchers and co-development partners in Aotearoa New Zealand, and internationally. 

Academia to impact 

We are creating a suite of ‘guidance’ and academic outputs to help researchers nationally and internationally learn from our experiences in: 

  • transitioning from academic-oriented research to end-user-oriented, impact focused research 
  • the shift from multi-to transdisciplinary research practice 
  • co-development of research 

Mātauranga and science

We have sought many voices of science and mātauranga Māori to enable new knowledge to be produced, and to amplify mātauranga experts and expertise in research and in marine management in our research.  

We’re exploring the diverse ways science and mātauranga centre the moana, and how this enables an approach to EBM that is unique to Aotearoa, New Zealand. 

Research Team

Karen Fisher (University of Auckland)
Kristiann Allen (University of Auckland)
Nick Lewis (University of Auckland)
Darcy Karaka (Sustainable Seas)


This is a national project.