Credit: Lana

Posted on 24 October 2017

Art + Oceans 2018

We are co-funding the latest collaborative Art + Science project run by the Dunedin School of Art and University of Otago. 2018’s theme is Art + Oceans. Artists will work with scientists from the University of Otago to develop artworks relating to ocean science interpreted in a broad context.

Works will be selected for an exhibition in July 2018 at the Otago Museum and an issue of the journal Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue will be devoted to the project, to be published at the end of 2018.

“I’m excited to see what’s funded and produced – I’ve got grand expectations,” said Dr Jenny Rock, Senior Lecturer in Science Communication at Otago. “Previous years have been extremely successful at connecting people with contemporary science research, raising awareness and understanding of complex concepts, and engaging both researchers and the public in innovative interdisciplinary thinking, so the bar is high.”

Art + Ocean 2018 aims to spread this effect further by providing microgrants for creating transportable works, so they can be used beyond the 2018 public exhibition in Dunedin.

About Art + Science

This is the sixth year of Art + Science, an annual collaboration between the Dunedin School of Art and the University of Otago. Scientists and artists interact over several months to produce works that interpret and extend science research in new contexts.

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