Posted on 08 November 2019

Examples of EBM in Aotearoa

new map shows the locations of initiatives across Aotearoa New Zealand that incorporate three or more of the seven EBM principles we have developed with Māori and stakeholders.

Covering the breadth of the country from Northland to Southland, the initiatives incorporate participatory processes and decision-making, mātauranga and tikanga, and/or use a variety of management tools such as rāhui.

These examples show that New Zealand is moving towards holistic marine management. However, they are case-by-case instances dealt with by special legislation, rather than a standard national approach built on the principles of EBM.

Identifying existing initiatives that incorporate EBM principles is important so that we can determine best practices.

Each marker on the map includes:

  • A brief plain English description
  • Which EBM principles the initiative aligns with
  • A link to more information

See the map

These case studies were identified as part of the EBM-enabling narratives for New Zealand project

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EBM-enabling narratives for New Zealand
EBM-enabling narratives for New Zealand

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