Posted on 31 August 2021

Media coverage in August 2021

Developing a rimurimu/seaweed sector would hugely benefit Aotearoa New Zealand

This month, we released the Building a seaweed sector project's much anticipated first review into the seaweed sector in Aotearoa. This report, and associated materials, were picked up by the following media outlets:

Sustainable mussel spat supply using mātauranga Māori

SeafoodNZ magazine (pg 36-37) – Feature story about our Kohunga Kutai project.

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Related projects & activities

Building a seaweed sector
Credit: Leigh Tait/NIWA
Building a seaweed sector

Developing a seaweed sector framework for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kohunga Kutai
Credit: Ngati Manuhiri Settlement Trust
Kohunga Kutai

Creating a sustainable supply of seed mussels using mātauranga Māori
