Posted on 31 December 2021

Media coverage in December 2021

Scheme aims to establish commercial seaweed farming sector  

Stuff  A new five-million-dollar seaweed farming pilot programme in the Hauraki gulf draws insights from our Seaweed sector review.

Race on to save Bay of Plenty mussels from 11-armed sea stars as stock levels plummet

Newshub Pātangaroa hua rau project leader Kura Paul-Burke shares research insights on restoring mussels and kickstarting a blue economy in Ōhiwa Harbour.

Harvesting bioactives from seastars to save kuku/mussel beds

SeafoodNZ magazine/December 2021 – Article (p35–37) about the Pātangaroa hua rau project exploring the bioactive potential of 11-armed seastars. 

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Related projects & activities

Building a seaweed sector
Credit: Leigh Tait/NIWA
Building a seaweed sector

Developing a seaweed sector framework for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Pātangaroa hua rau: the bioactive potential of sea stars
Credit: Kura Paul-Burke
Pātangaroa hua rau: the bioactive potential of sea stars

Investigating the economic potential of collagen and bioactives from 11-armed sea-stars to manage overpopulations
