Posted on 01 April 2022

Media coverage in March 2022

‘We have a full pharmacopoeia of plants’: Q&A with Māori researcher Nicola Macdonald

Mongabay  Project Co-leader for Kohunga Kutai, Nicola MacDonald, shares how researchers are using science and mātauranga Māori to create a more sustainable aquaculture industry. 

Rope-based display tying together art and science spreads to Napier

Hawke's Bay Today  The Unseen art-sci exhibit opens at the National Aquarium of New Zealand and Hawke's Bay classrooms for Seaweek. 

Slap some seaweed on (subscription required)

New Zealand Listener (Issue 9, 2022)  Our Seaweed Sun Defence project was featured, detailing the potential use of seaweed for developing sunscreen. 

Gift of the sea (subscription required)

Good Magazine – Mike Packer from the Seaweed Sun Defence project shared their research into seaweed sun-care skin products. 

Slap on that seaweed

Marine Farming Association Newsletter (pages 23-25) Mike Packer was interviewed about the Seaweed Sun Defence project. 

Toihau of the Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust

Waatea News – Tania Hopmans discuss our He Kāinga Taurikura ō Tangitū: Treasured Coastal Environment project.

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Kohunga Kutai
Credit: Ngati Manuhiri Settlement Trust
Kohunga Kutai

Creating a sustainable supply of seed mussels using mātauranga Māori

Navigating marine social-ecological systems
Navigating marine social-ecological systems

We aimed to identify and/or improve our understanding of institutional, social and cultural factors that need to be incorporated into EBM fo…
