Posted on 01 February 2024

Media coverage Nov 2023 – Jan 2024

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Mana, mauri, and prosperity for seafood products from Ōnuku

Seafood NZ Magazine (p34) – Research undertaken with Ōnuku Rūnanga near Akaroa has found that salmon from Ōnuku (farmed for Akaroa Salmon) has enormous potential to return even higher profits in more markets with its unique Indigenous story and values.

New information is pāua

Wairarapa Times Age – With stressors such as rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, sedimentation and extreme weather all impacting the health of pāua populations and fisheries, modelling developed by one of our research projects will help with understanding the susceptibility of pāua to these risks.

New Year: 12 good news stories that made the world better in 2023

NZ Herald – The story on millions of kuku being discovered on a traditional mussel bed in Ōhiwa Harbour was featured on a list of 12 good news stories from 2023.

New risk modelling can help Aotearoa's pāua industry adapt to climate change – Recent research is helping business and finance grapple with how to support the ecological role of this taonga species in our marine environment and protect one of our most valuable export commodities.


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Credit: Kura Paul Burke
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM

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Indigenising the blue economy
Credit: Ngāti Kahungunu Inc on Te Matau-a-Maui, Waka Hourua © Desna Whaanga-Schollum, 2013
Indigenising the blue economy

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Upholding the value of pāua quota
Credit: Terra Moana
Upholding the value of pāua quota

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