
News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement

Frameworks for achieving and maintaining social licence

Posted on 27 September 2019

Interview: Glenn Farrington, Sanford

Glenn Farrington is an aquaculture scientist with Sanford, New Zealand’s biggest seafood company.

agrisea credit dave allen resize

Posted on 24 September 2019

Identifying 'blue economy' opportunities

Blue economy businesses are growing in New Zealand, but what opportunities are on the horizon? A blue economy is made up of marine activities that generate economic value and contribute positively…

Hawke's Bay regional study

Posted on 24 September 2019

Case study focuses on improving Hawke’s Bay

A collaboration with the Hawke’s Bay Marine and Coastal Group (HBMaC) will map environmental stressors, their interactions, and provide guidance for reducing their impacts.

Forecasting contamination risk for shellfish harvest and beach use

Posted on 17 September 2019

Maritime Museum Talk: Forecasting contamination

Watch recordings of our second NZ Maritime Museum breakfast talk on 19 August 2019.

Measuring ecosystem services and assessing impacts Credit Leigh Tait NIWA
Credit: Leigh Tait NIWA

Posted on 13 September 2019

Kudos Award for Drew Lohrer

NIWA researcher Drew Lohrer was named among eight winners in the 2019 Kudos Awards in early September. Drew won the Waikato Regional Council Environmental Science Award.

Media coverage banner

Posted on 31 August 2019

Media coverage in August 2019

Open ocean farming: Push for shellfish, finfish aquaculture out at seaRNZ Art helps children grasp science behind changing seasNelson Mail/Stuff Bursting the science bubbleNelson Leader

Our Seas

Posted on 29 July 2019

Beyond The Unseen: Engaging communities with science

Early findings from The Unseen research project show that participants take home clear science messages through working on art.

Vision Matauranga

Posted on 29 July 2019

Students unite kaitiaki and science for better marine outcomes

Sharing their learnings about the marine ecosystem with iwi in the Marlborough Sounds (Te Tau Ihu o te Waka-a-Māui) has been an enlightening experience for three students.

Our Seas

Posted on 29 July 2019

Local and international marine governance showcased at conference

Jim Sinner and Marc Tadaki (Cawthron Institute) convened a session at the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG) Conference held in Tasmania on 13 July.

Sediment tolerance and mortality thresholds of benthic habitats

Posted on 29 July 2019

Sharing our latest sedimentation science

In a workshop hosted in Wellington in early May, NIWA and Victoria University of Wellington researchers shared their latest findings on the effects of sediment on both shallow water and…

Ecosystem connectivity  tracking biochemical fluxes to inform ecosystem based management

Posted on 29 July 2019

Understanding food webs to help manage coastal resources

A study of coastal food webs has revealed how ecosystem-based approaches to marine management could improve management of fish stocks and biodiversity in our changing coastal ocean.

What could EBM look like in Tasman and Golden Bays

Posted on 29 July 2019

Interview: Stew Robertson, Abel Tasman Ecotours/Tasman Bay Guardians

Stew Robertson has been a participant in research workshops for projects focused in Tasman-Golden Bay.
