
News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement

Kids on tree at beach

Posted on 14 December 2017

Video: The Unseen

The story so far: 14 workshops, 1,300 school children and 15km of rope! This arts-science-education project is working with communities and school children to explore the risks associated with environmental and…

Ecosystem based management within Aotearoa New Zealands existing legislative framework
Credit: NZ Story/Chris Williams

Posted on 01 December 2017

Video: How current legislative frameworks in NZ enable EBM

Lara Taylor and Tania Te Whenua gave this presentation at the NZ Coastal Society conference.

Tipping points in ecosystem structure function and services

Posted on 30 November 2017

Video: Tipping points in NZ coastal ecosystems

Conrad Pilditch gave this presentation at the NZ Coastal Society conference. The research is part of the 'Tipping points in ecosystem structure, function and services' project.

Mauri Moana Mauri Tangata Mauri Ora

Posted on 29 November 2017

Video: Making room for enacting Māori values in the marine environment

Caine Taiapa gave a presentation at the NZ Coastal Society conference about enacting Māori values in the marine environment.

Participatory processes for marine ecosystem restoration low res

Posted on 28 November 2017

Video: Community participation in marine restoration

Patrick Barrett and Priya Kurian gave a presentation about the restoration of the Ōngātoro/Maketu estuary at the NZ Coastal Society conference.

Testing participatory processes for marine management credit Paula Blackett
Credit: Paula Blackett

Posted on 27 November 2017

Video: How do NZ communities participate in decision-making?

Paula Blackett and Erena le Heron presented a preliminary review of marine participatory process initiatives that have been used for decision-making in New Zealand, at the NZ Coastal Society conference.

Tipping points in ecosystem structure function and services

Posted on 21 November 2017

Tipping Points team receives sustainability award

The NZ Coastal Society Conference’s Sustainability Award promotes sustainable coastal leadership and action in New Zealand, with the greenstone mere representing the winner’s mana and kaitiakitanga.

Ocean acidification mitigation strategies for the mussel industry credit Dave Allen NIWA
Credit: Dave Allen NIWA

Posted on 07 November 2017

Smart aquaculture

A new aquaculture project from the Science for Technological Innovation (SfTI) National Science Challenge to develop technologies for sustainable, more productive, marine farming aligns well with our mission.

Sunset over Blenheim Lana
Credit: Lana

Posted on 24 October 2017

Art + Oceans 2018

We are co-funding the latest collaborative Art + Science project run by the Dunedin School of Art and University of Otago. 2018’s theme is Art + Oceans.

Mussel beds at Tonga Island Alex Connolly

Posted on 16 October 2017

New term, new NZ marine science resources

School pupils can now explore a real-world issue facing New Zealand – how to best manage our vast marine resources – thanks to a collaboration between the Sustainable Seas Challenge…

Kelp Urchin Dunedin credit NIWA 2018
Credit: NIWA 2018

Posted on 20 September 2017

Eureka! Is ocean farming the future?

Jonathan Chan, from Auckland Grammar School, has won the Eureka Award Gold Scholarship sponsored by NIWA for the most innovative and creative science, technology and/or engineering solution that addresses issues…

Managed Seas Credit Sarah Searson NIWA

Posted on 12 September 2017

Workshop to develop EBM tools

In August, we held a follow up workshop in Nelson for regional stakeholders and iwi.
