EBM-enabling narratives for New Zealand

This project developed multimedia resources that can be used to explore what EBM for Aotearoa New Zealand looks like now, and how it could look in the future.

Project Leader Duration Budget
Alison Greenaway (Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research) March 2018 – November 2019 $725,000


Storytelling, as spoken or written narratives, is an effective way to convey complex or abstract ideas. We have developed narratives about different ways of achieving EBM. They are based on real examples where New Zealanders have come together to holistically manage their marine environment from the mountains to the sea.

The aim was to show what the practice of EBM looks like now – and could look like in the future. These narratives reflect the kinds of situations in which we think we are likely to see EBM flourish in the future. The narratives are were tested with representatives from government, industry, local communities and Māori.

This research gathered a range of perspectives from case studies, interviews and workshops. We identified local initiatives that already had some elements of EBM, then identified who was involved, the EBM-like practices and processes, and the successes and challenges.

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This is a national project.