Rocky coast at Otarawairere Bay Sustainable Seas 2020
Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

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Displaying 27 of 58 results
Ngā Tohu
  • Graphic

Reclaiming and preserving traditional knowledge of maramataka to inform transformative practice in marine monitoring and management.

Ngā Pou
  • Graphic

Interactive poster describing the guiding principles of engagement.

Teaching environmental sustainability through an ecosystem-based management lens
  • Guidance

The kaupapa and philosophy behind developing courses which teach environmental sustainability through an ecosystem-based management lens (Ma…

Calculating ecological response footprints
  • Guidance

This guidance uses stressors and seabed ecosystem characteristics to determine the relationship between stressor and ecological response foo…

Bringing it all together for a healthy ocean and prosperous blue economy
  • Guidance

The knowledge, guidance, and tools needed to reverse degradation trends and realise a healthy ocean (May 2024)

Testing the adoption of decision support tools with end-users
  • Guidance

Guidance on decision support tools for ecosystem-based management (April 2024)

Assessing present health
  • Guidance

Guidance on assessing the present ecological health of the area (May 2024)

Roadmaps to ecosystem-based management
  • Guidance

A series of documents to address questions around enabling ecosystem-based management (May 2024)

Empowering Māori knowledge in marine decision-making
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations to achieve the benefits of marine decision-making that is informed by mātauranga Māori (May 2024)

Addressing risk and uncertainty in decision-making
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for better risk assessment methods (May 2024)

Developing pathways to a flourishing blue economy
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for building pathways towards a blue economy (May 2024)

Marine governance – sustaining ocean outcomes for future generations
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for effective and appropriate marine governance (May 2024)

Restoring marine ecosystems through better management and financing
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations to foster a restorative blue economy (May 2024)

Enabling ecosystem-based management in Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine law and policy
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations to ensure healthy outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand’s ocean and people (May 2024)

Addressing cumulative effects in marine management decisions
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for addressing cumulative effects (May 2024)

Enabling effective marine spatial planning for ecological and economic wellbeing
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for marine spatial planning in Aotearoa New Zealand (May 2024)

Enabling a broad knowledge base for marine management decisions
  • Guidance
  • Summary

Recommendations for marine management decisions and advice to be supported by different types of knowledge (May 2024)

Considering scale and EBM in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Graphic

Graphic depicting how successful practice for EBM requires a clear understanding of scale by decision-makers (2024)

Healthy coastal ecosystems
  • Graphic

This infographic provides overview of the factors required for healthy coastal ecosystems (October 2023)

Composition of two starfish in Ōhiwa harbour
  • Guidance

This guidance contains the potential bioactives and composition data within two starfish species samples (November 2022)

Quick guides: Navigating risk and uncertainty in marine management
  • Guidance

A series of five quick guides on navigating risk and uncertainty in marine management (November 2023)

Understanding and communicating risk and uncertainty | te tūraru me te haurokuroku in marine management
  • Guidance

Blackett P, Awatere S, Le Heron E, Le Heron R, Logie J, Hyslop J, Ellis J, Stephenson F, Hewitt J, Ziedins I, Armoudian M, Bulmer R, Clark D…

Pātaka Kōrero User Guide
  • Graphic
  • Guidance

This resource demonstrates some of the main functions and elements of the front-end user interface of the Pātaka Kōrero system, a digital st…

Conference research posters
  • Graphic
  • Summary

The below posters were presented at our 2023 conference, Te Au o Te Moana.

Big Blue Aotearoa
  • Digital tool
  • Graphic

Developed in partnership with The Spinoff, this resource is designed to help change New Zealanders way of seeing our moana, in a bid to enco…

Seaweed Sector Framework
  • Guidance

This co-developed roadmap shows how Aotearoa New Zealand could grow its rimurimu/seaweed sector in a way for the country to gain environment…

Stressors affecting estuaries
  • Graphic

This infographic shows the multiple stressors that can affect estuaries. (May 2022)
