Rocky coast at Otarawairere Bay Sustainable Seas 2020
Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

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Displaying 9 of 32 results
Ngā Tohu
  • Graphic

Reclaiming and preserving traditional knowledge of maramataka to inform transformative practice in marine monitoring and management.

Ngā Pou
  • Graphic

Interactive poster describing the guiding principles of engagement.

Climate change stressors table
  • Digital tool

Activity stressor table
  • Digital tool

Considering scale and EBM in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Graphic

Graphic depicting how successful practice for EBM requires a clear understanding of scale by decision-makers (2024)

Geography teaching resources
  • Digital tool

Resources produced by Mary Robinson and Karen Finn based on research by the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge (April 2024)

Healthy coastal ecosystems
  • Graphic

This infographic provides overview of the factors required for healthy coastal ecosystems (October 2023)

Te Ukaipo o Hinemoana
  • Digital tool
  • Model

Online decision-support tools for informing the management of cumulative effects in the coastal and marine environment.

Pātaka Kōrero User Guide
  • Graphic
  • Guidance

This resource demonstrates some of the main functions and elements of the front-end user interface of the Pātaka Kōrero system, a digital st…
