Found 1597 results. Displaying page 2 of 160.
Tūhonohono: tikanga Māori me te Ture Pākehā ki Takutai Moana
Energy from tidal currents - Kick-starting a new marine industry with huge potential
Diversity, contestation, participation in Aotearoa New Zealand's multi-use/user marine spaces
Measuring social licence: What and who determines public acceptability of aquaculture in New Zealand
Community participation in the development of the Ōngātoro/Maketū Estuary project: The socio-ecological dimensions of restoring an interconnected ecosystem
The implications of uncertainty on cumulative effects management
Navigating towards marine co-management with Indigenous communities on-board the Waka-Taurua
Quantifying macrodetritus fluxes from a small temperate estuary
He Mahere Pāhekoheko Mō Kaipara Moana – Integrated ecosystem-based management for Kaipara Harbour, Aotearoa New Zealand
What is a ‘blue economy’, and how can NZ get one?