Found 1597 results. Displaying page 114 of 160.
Improved decision-making using an ecosystem-based management (EBM) approach
Research process
Conference research posters
A framework for evaluating cumulative effects from land based sources on coastal and estuarine ecosystems Cook et al.
A novel approach to aquaculture in Aotearoa Muncaster et al.
Assessing present and future benthic primary productivity in a large intertidal estuary using remote sensing and machine learning Shao et al.
Captive breeding of Patiki totara for community aquaculture Ellis Smith et al.
Enabling ecosystem based management in the Hawkes Bay Carolyn Lundquist
Integrating interactive stressors within marine spatial planning A case study on the Chatham Rise Brough et al.
Marine stressor and receptor interactions A new approach to incorporate cumulative effects into marine spatial management Watson et al.