Found 1597 results. Displaying page 43 of 160.
A mean heat | How the climate is driving marine heatwaves
Te Au o Te Moana – The Voice of the Ocean (UN Ocean Decade Laboratory)
Te Au o Te Moana | Special webinar series: Blue Economy
Seafood Magazine: Seaweed could be a game changer
Unraveling ecosystem functioning in intertidal soft sediments: the role of density-driven interactions
Cataclysmic disturbances to an intertidal ecosystem: loss of ecological infrastructure slows recovery of biogenic habitats and diversity
Missing the forest and the trees: Utility, limits and caveats for drone imaging of coastal marine ecosystems
Conference presentation: eDNA reveals estuarine benthic community to nutrient enrichment – evidence from an in-situ experiment
Media coverage in May 2022
Pre-conditions for making (desired) markets in the spirit of Ki Uta Ki Tai – Mountains to the Sea