Found 1597 results. Displaying page 91 of 160.
Graeme Inglis - Risk and uncertainty (5.1.3)
Anne-Marie Jackson, Ngahuia Mita - Hui-te-ana-nui (3.1.1)
Judi Hewitt - Overview of Valuable Seas
Karen Fisher, Kate Davies - Navigating social-ecological systems (1.2.2)
Linda Faulkner - Overview of Tangaroa
Malcolm Clark - Those offshore sediments (IF4.3.2)
Michael Townsend - Linking ecosystem services to values (2.1.3)
Nick Lewis - Mapping the blue economy (2.2.1)
Paula Blackett, Richard Le Heron - Participatory processes (1.1.1)
Robert Joseph - Tūhonohono: Māori lore and NZ law (3.3.1)