- Model
Atlantis model: Tasman and Golden Bays
Atlantis is an 'end-to-end' ecosystem modelling tool; it encompasses everything from sunlight and nutrients through to predators and fisheries. It can be used to explore different management scenarios.
This is a computer representation of the Tasman and Golden Bays area that can be used to mimic, and help understand, dynamics and flow-on effects from changes in the environment or its management. It allows researchers and decision-makers to test different scenarios to understand effects on the whole ecosystem.
The model has been used to explore the implications of a range of environmental and management scenarios in the region.
It can be further developed and applied as required by iwi, decision-makers and interest groups within the region to enable EBM.
Using the model
This is a complex model that requires technical skills and modelling experience.
If you would like to know more about potential uses or the resource required, contact [email protected]