Rocky coast at Otarawairere Bay Sustainable Seas 2020
Credit: Sustainable Seas 2020

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Displaying 36 of 39 results
Upholding the value of pāua quota
  • Report
  • Summary

This research looks at how we can uphold long-term fishery values, the value of commercial quota, and the ecological role that pāua play in …

Managing cumulative effects in the marine environment
  • Summary

This is a research round-up of our tools, resources and research related to managing cumulative effects in the marine environment (May 2023)

Understanding cumulative effects from a Te Ao Māori perspective
  • Summary

This summary facilitates translation and communication of concepts of cumulative effects on marine ecosystems, and how they can be managed w…

Coastal ecosystem management: Managing multiple stressors by considering network interactions
  • Summary

This summary suggests a series of questions which will enable environmental managers and scientists to understand the potential for unexpect…

Cumulative effects erode resilience in coastal ecosystems
  • Summary

This summary gives the main points of three articles published between 2021 and 2023, which highlight how cumulative effects can induce an o…

Waitī Waitā conference presentations
  • Presentation

The combined meeting of the New Zealand Marine and Freshwater Science Societies was held in November 2022, and research from several of our …

Stressors affecting estuaries
  • Graphic

This infographic shows the multiple stressors that can affect estuaries. (May 2022)

Enabling cumulative effects management 
  • Summary

This impact case study demonstrates how our research is having a real-time impact on how our marine environment is managed to reduce the imp…

User guide: Tools for ecosystem-based management
  • Guidance

The purpose of this guide is to help resource managers, kaitiaki and others to identify appropriate tools, developed and/or used by the Sus…

Reframing environmental limits for estuaries
  • Guidance

This document provides an ecological perspective on how to overcome ecological issues related to the use of national environmental limits. H…

Research Book 2022
  • Summary

This book provides key information about Sustainable Seas, and concise plain language summaries of all active/complete 2019–2024 (Phase II) …

Kāwanatanga ‘Future Search’ Panel - Waiheke participants
  • Presentation

Online workshop and panel discussion by Alex Rogers, Andrew Jeffs, Matt von Sturmer, Pippa Coom and Lucy Tukua. February 2022 (36 mins + Q&A…

Ecosystem-based management in Aotearoa New Zealand (UN Ocean Decade Laboratory)
  • Presentation

This webinar presentation and discussion was led by early-career researchers working with Sustainable Seas. March 2022 (1hr45m + 15m Q&A)

Possible ecosystem services and negative environmental effects associated with seaweed aquaculture in coastal environments
  • Graphic

This infographic indicates the likely nature and degree of effect by large or small '-' or '+' symbols. (November 2021)

Putting research into action to manage estuaries
  • Summary

This impact case study describes how estuary guidance created by our research is supporting marine managers, and decision-makers (August 202…

Recommendations for improving regulation of marine management in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Summary

This discussion paper covers 5 critical issues for marine management under the current regulatory framework. (August 2021).

Tools and resources for marine managers
  • Summary

This is a research round-up of our tools and resources that are relevant to marine managers, kaitiaki and decision-makers. Many were – or ar…

Monitoring estuaries in a changing world: Lessons for designing long-term monitoring programmes
  • Guidance

This guidance outlines key lessons for managers to consider when designing long-term monitoring programmes for estuaries (July 2021)

Sea-floor species and suspended sediment
  • Summary

This 1-page 'postcard' summarises research into the resilience of common sponge and dog cockles to suspended sediments.

Robust, cost effective marine monitoring
  • Summary

This impact case study describes how recommendations for designing robust monitoring programmes are being taken up by regional councils (Aug…

Shady business: The problem of mud in our estuaries
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Simon Thrush, Kura Paul-Burke, Megan Carbines & Conrad Pilditch, May 2021 (44 mins + Q&A)

Research Book 2018
  • Summary

This book provides key information about Sustainable Seas, and concise plain language summaries of the 40 projects that were undertaken 2014…

Managing the impact of turbidity, nutrients and sea level rise on coasts and estuaries
  • Guidance

This guidance explains the cumulative effects of three significant coastal stressors and likely impact on ecosystem function, and provides m…

Describing a Bayesian network tool for Tasman and Golden Bays scallop management
  • Presentation

This conference presentation (given 2019) describes a Baysian network decision support tool, developed and validated using expert knowledge,…

Webinar back catalogue
  • Presentation
  • Video

All our webinars are recorded and uploaded to this YouTube playlist within 48 hours

Using ecosystem service bundles to improve marine management
  • Guidance

Ecosystem service (ES) 'bundles' show how ES interact with each other and are affected by stressors – and which values might be affected for…

Enabling inter-agency collaboration on cumulative effects
  • Summary

Overview of the 'Enabling inter-agency collaboration on cumulative effects' project results and the Aotearoa Cumulative Effects (ACE) framew…

Prioritising cumulative effects as a critical national issue
  • Summary

This impact case study shows how we have influenced others to take cumulative effects seriously, and recognise it as a critical problem (Aug…

Monitoring for tipping points in the marine environment
  • Guidance

This guidance summarises the critical factors to consider, and the recommended data required, for a robust monitoring programme.

Art is a powerful communicator of science
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Gabby O'Connor, Carolyn Lundquist and Joe O'Callaghan, May 2020 (52 mins + Q&A)

Science Learning Hub collection
  • Graphic
  • Summary

We have a partnership with the SLH, who use our research to produce multimedia teaching resources linked to the NZ Curriculum.

Which ecosystem model works best for what you need?
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Vidette McGregor, Samik Datta and Adele Dutilloy; March 2020 (40 min + Q&A)

Using drones to monitor marine ecosystems
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Leigh Tait, June 2019 (40 min + Q&A)

Preparing Environmental Impact Assessments: General guidelines for offshore mining and drilling with particular reference to New Zealand
  • Guidance

These guidelines have contributed to development of EIA template and guidance by the International Seabed Authority

Submarine canyons as ‘underground rivers’
  • Presentation

Webinar presentation by Daniel Leduc, April 2018 (15mins + Q&A)

Aotearoa Cumulative Effects (ACE) framework
  • Guidance

A tool to guide collaborative management of cumulative effects across a range of scales
