Posted on 30 September 2020

Media coverage in September 2020

Morning news, episode 52 (this recording is no longer available)
Māori TV/Te Ao Tapatahi 

A Skype interview with Dr Kura Paul-Burke, story starts at 41m45s.

Mussel lines made from leaves as alternative to plastic
Te Ao News/Facebook

Short clip of Dr Kura Paul-Burke (University of Waikato) being interviewed from the Te Ao Tapatahi interview.

6pm news, episode 53 (no longer available)
Māori TV/Te Ao Mārama 

Interviews in the field with Kura, Whaea Roka Ngarimu-Cameron and Tuwhakairiora O’Brien the Deputy Chair of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, story starts at 33m15s.

Ti kouka lines could save kuku beds 
Waatea News

Article about the Awhi Mai Awhi Atu project.

Researcher awarded $1.4 million to understand risks key to protecting our oceans 
Stuff/Waikato Times

Article about the Communicating risk and uncertainty project, led by Jo Ellis (University of Waikato) and Fabrice Stephenson (NIWA)

Mussels to be poured on mussel shell reef to revive 'devastated' population

About a mussel restoration project in Marlborough Sounds.

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Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM
Credit: Kura Paul Burke
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Enacting a kaitiakitanga-based approach to EBM

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Communicating risk and uncertainty
Communicating risk and uncertainty

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Ocean acidification mitigation strategies for the mussel industry
Credit: Dave Allen NIWA
Ocean acidification mitigation strategies for the mussel industry

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