
News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement

Rakaia River mouth, Canterbury
Credit: Phillip Capper/NIWA

Posted on 22 August 2022

Seafood Magazine: Human activity puts pressure on marine ecosystem

Shared with permission from Seafood New Zealand Magazine - August 2022Multiple stressors created by human activity on the land and sea are putting increasing pressure on our marine environment.

Hawke's Bay regional study

Posted on 02 August 2022

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Anna Madarasz-Smith

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Anna Madarasz-Smith

Media coverage banner

Posted on 01 August 2022

Media coverage in July 2022

An ocean of opportunities: How looking out to sea could boost the economyStuff – Nick Lewis commented on the concept of a blue economy, while Serean Adams talked about the…

Vera Rullens

Posted on 06 July 2022

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Vera Rullens

Vera Rullens is a researcher based in Melbourne who works with Sustainable Seas through the University of Waikato.

Recreational fishing boat credit Stuart Mackay NIWA
Credit: Stuart Mackay, NIWA

Posted on 01 July 2022

Building back better: A catalyst for change

Growing marine ecotourism project co-leader Simon Milne was asked to share his expert perspective with the UN's High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy.

Media coverage banner

Posted on 30 June 2022

Media coverage in June 2022

Making positive impact on ocean law reformMirage News – Elizabeth Macpherson discusses creating change for the better to protect our ocean and sustainably manage relationships between people and marine environments.

Wellington headlands
Credit: Nate Watson

Posted on 30 June 2022

We're hiring! Personal Assistant

Based at NIWA's Wellington office, you will be working alongside a wide range of researchers and the Challenge Director.

Putaki Bay Hauraki Gulf Stock 521232554
Credit: iStock

Posted on 17 June 2022

User guide for EBM tools released

We’ve developed a handy user guide that brings together tools we have developed and/or used for ecosystem-based management (EBM). It includes guidelines, frameworks, and numerical and conceptual models.

Credit: Ayushi Kachhara NIWA 2018

Posted on 17 June 2022

Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho | Wai 262 Best Practice Guide

A year on from the Wai 262 webinar series hosted by the Rauika Māngai, we're eagerly anticipating the launch of A Wai 262 Best Practice Guide for Science Partnerships with Kaitiaki…

Restorative marine economies
Credit: Greg Lois Nunes

Posted on 13 June 2022

Seafood Magazine: Doing business by ‘doing good’

Shared with permission from Seafood New Zealand Magazine - June 2022: ‘Restorative marine economies’ are practical models that foster new investments and business enterprises aiming to reverse environmental degradation and protect natural…

Muriwai, Gisborne
Credit: Nguyen

Posted on 09 June 2022

Minister highlights need for EBM on World Ocean Day

The contribution of our work towards creating healthy resilient oceans has been recognised by the Ocean and Fisheries Minister David Parker, in a speech at Auckland University.

Eva siwicka by the ocean

Posted on 08 June 2022

Te Au o Te Moana - Voice of the Ocean: Eva Siwicka

Eva Siwicka is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Auckland, working on the Modelling restorative economies project.
